Gregorioiscala / Gyroscala
/ Innesiscala
Kurodacirsa / Murdochella
/ Narvaliscala
Gyroscala coronatum
35.2 mm, Madagascar, Tulear. From local fishermen, 2006.
24.00 €
Gyroscala lamellosa
22 mm, Key Largo, Florida.
16.00 €
Gyroscala lamellosa
27.8 mm, F++/Great locality! W/O
New Caledonia. SOLD
Gyroscala lamellosa DARK
29.7 mm, Spotorno, Italy. Taken at 1 m deep, near sea
anemones, 2007.
16.00 €

Epitonium Epitonium commutatum (synonym of Gyroscala
26.56 mm, Italy.
16.00 €
Gyroscala rupicola
16.8 mm, Florida.
16.00 €
Gyroscala rupicola
18.5 mm, Florida.
16.00 €

Gyroscala statuminata
18.4 mm, F+++/G W/O
Beach of Chonera, Western Panama.
34.00 €
Gyroscala statuminata
21 mm, F+/Big! Great form & locality! One hole.
C.Z. Pacific, near Balboa Yacht Club, 1979.
26.00 €
Kurodacirsa lotus
19.9 mm, South Mindanao, Aliguay Island. Trawled. May
24.00 €
GO TO: Amaea
/ Cycloscala
/ Eccliseogyra
/ Epidendrium
/ Surrepifungium
/ Gyroscala / Innesiscala
/ Murdochella / Narvaliscala
/ Plastiscala
Other Type Species
Gregorioiscala transkeiana
7.1 mm F+/Rare!
Nacala, Mozambique. In grit from 70 m. Jan, 2007.
Gregorioiscala crosnieri cf.
18 mm, F++/Awesome!
Mactan Island, Punta Engano. SOLD
Gregorioiscala xanthotaenia
5 mm, Fiji. Trawled at 200 m. March 2012. SOLD

Gyroscala mikeleei
37 mm, F+++/Gem / RARE! W/O
Solomon Islands.
99.00 € SOLD!
Gyroscala purpurata
8.6 mm, F++/Great color! The protoconch is slightly chipped.
Punta Arena, Costa Rica. Dived at 30 feet in soft coral.
2007. SOLD
Innesiscala coutieri cf.
4 mm, Mactan Island, Cebu. Dived at 10-20 m. SOLD
Kurodacirsa glans
7 mm, Off Kii Peninsula, Japan. Dived at 50 m. February
2002. SOLD
Murdochella crispata cf.
10 mm, F+/Rare!
Off South Mozambique. Trawled at 60-80 m. SOLD
Murdochella levifoliata
10.4 mm, F+/Rare!
New Caledonia. SOLD
Narvaliscala dorysa
14.1 mm, F+++/Awesome!
Japan. SOLD
Narvaliscala percancellata (Nakayama, 2000)
36 mm, East China Sea. SOLD
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