Xenophora Exceptional
(with objects)
/ Xenophora
Onustus_ Stellaria_ X.
exceptional (with objects)
Xenophora pallidula - (Reeve,
1842) with barnacle Scalpellum stearnsi
& Epitonium attached
77 mm, F+++/Super RARE attachments!
South China Sea. Trawled at 300 m on sand by local
39.00 EUR
More to be listed!
Aspidophoreas (Nappo, Bini
& Santucci, 2022)
Aspidophoreas chinensis
(R. A. Philippi, 1841)
111 mm, F+++/G BIG &nice attachments. Great color!
Cebu, Sogod. Tangle net 50-100 m.
24.00 €
Phorus calculiferus (Reeve,
1842) - Synonim of Aspidophoreas chinensis
42.4 mm, Very dark & unusual attachments! Great locality!
East China Sea. Trawled in about 280 m deep.
22.00 €
(Kreipl, Alf & Kronenberg, 1999)
Austrophora flindersi (Cotton & Godfrey, 1938)
To be listed!
(Swainson, 1840)
Onustus caribaeus cf. (Petit de la Saussaye,
59 mm, RARE!
Dredged west of South Florida coast in Gulf of Mexico
20.00 €
Onustus caribaeus cf. (Petit de la Saussaye,
60.5 mm, RARE!
Dredged west of South Florida coast in Gulf of Mexico
24.00 €
Onustus exutus (Reeve, 1842)
To be listed!
Onustus indicus helvaceus cf. (Philippi, R.A.,
18 mm, F++/RARE JUVENILE! Great color!
East China Sea.
19.00 €
Ponderiana (Nappo, Bini &
Santucci, 2022)
Ponderiana digitata (E. von Martens, 1878)
To be listed!
Ponderiana indiana T. Cossignani, 2023
To be listed!
Ponderiana profunda
(Ponder, 1983)
The Indian form Tiziano Cossignani redescribed in
2023 as Ponderiana indiana
65.6 mm, F+++/Rare & great attachments. W/O
Tuticorin, India. SEI. Trawled in January 2002.
To be listed!
(Möller, 1832)
Stellaria paucispinosa Kosuge & Nomoto, 1972
To be listed!
Species Stellaria solaris (Linnaeus, 1764)
To be listed!
(Fischer von Waldheim, 1807)
Xenophora cerea (Reeve, 1845)
To be listed!
Xenophora cerea var. torrida (Kuroda, T.
& K. Ito, 1961)
73 mm, F+++/G Superb!
Babac, Samal Island, Hookah diving 10-40 m.
24.00 €
Xenophora conchyliophora (Born, 1780)
(variation - set of 3)
17, 16.8, 16 mm , Great attachments & locality!
Gulf of Mexico.
19.00 €
Xenophora conchyliophora sp.
(Born, 1780)
Set of four 25 - 14 mm.
12-25 m dredged, Florida's East Coast.
12.00 €
Xenophora corrugata (Reeve, 1842)
To be listed!
Xenophora corrugata f. tulearensis (K.
A. Stewart & Kosuge, 1993)
57.5 mm, F++/Superb form & attachments!
Off Tulear, Madagascar.
24.00 €
Xenophora japonica Kuroda & T. Habe, 1971
To be listed!
Xenophora konoi (T. Habe, 1953)
To be listed!
Xenophora mekranensis konoi (T. Habe, 1953)
92 mm, F+++/G Big & great attachments! W/O
Burung Strait, Sulawesi. Indonesia
24.00 €
Xenophora neozelanica Suter, 1908
To be listed!
Xenophora pallidula (Reeve,
1842) with great collection of attachments
108 mm, F++/F+++ Awesome attacments!
Bohol Island.
29.00 €
Xenophora peroniana (Iredale, 1929)
To be listed!
Xenophora regularis T. Habe & Okutani, 1983
To be listed!
Xenophora robusta A. E. Verrill, 1870
To be listed!
Xenophora senegalensis P. Fischer, 1873
To be listed!
Xenophora solarioides sf. (Reeve,
23.8 mm, Awesome with many great attachments!
Masbate Island. Trawled in 50 m. depth.
12.00 €
Xenophora solarioides sf. (Reeve,
21 mm, Awesome with many great attachments!
Masbate Island. Trawled in 50 m. depth.
12.00 €
Xenophora solarioides sf. (Reeve,
22.5 mm, Awesome with many great attachments!
Masbate Island. Trawled in 50 m. depth.
12.00 €
Onustus javanicus (Gray, 1850) - syn. of
Xenophora solarioides
32.5 mm, F++/F+++ Great attachments & locality!
Trangan Island , Indonesia.
20.00 €
Xenophora australis (Souverbie & Montrouzier,
1870) - syn. of Xenophora solarioides
43 mm, F++/Awesome! Great locality.
Lady Musgrave Island. Trawled at 10 fath. Coll. 1991.
19.00 €
Xenophora tenuis (Fulton, 1938)
To be listed!
Xenophora Fossil
Xenophora deshayesii
Fossil (Miocene, Serravalian)
7.2 mm, Great form & attachments. France
12.00 €
Xenophora mediterranea (Tiberi, 1863)
81 mm, F+++/BIG & Superb attachments! W/O From an
older colection.
Murcia, Spain. SOLD!
Onustus indicus (Gmelin,
86.1 mm, F+++/tip smoothed, display great! W/O
Kabul, Palawan Island. Hookah diving, 20 m. From local
fisherman. SOLD!
Xenophora kondoi (X. peroniana
41 mm, F+++/Very
RARE! Great attachment! Hawaii. SOLD!
Xenophora pallidula (Reeve, 1842) with
great collection of attachments
124 mm, F++/Awesome attacments!
Balicasag Island. SOLD!
Onustus aquitanus cf.
49 mm, F++/Rare! Great attachments! Live taked. W/O
Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Brazil. SOLD!
Xenophora granulosa
99.34 mm, F+++/G Big & Superb! Yellowish. Nice attachments.
Masbate Island. SOLD!
Xenophora tenuis
23.2 mm, F+++/Great & Awesome!
Superb colorful attachments! Japan.SOLD!
Xenophora conchyliophora robusta
121 x 96 mm, Giant/
Great form & locality!
Malmok Beach, Aruba.
Xenophora cerea
31.9 mm, F+++/Superb!
Tinina, Balut Island. By tangle net at 100-200 m deep.
Xenophora minuta cf.
27.9 mm, Great form & attachments. Awesome!
Malacca Straits.
Xenophora peroniana peroniana
53.2 mm, F++/Awesome!
Off Cape Moreton Queensland. Trawled 80-100 m.
Xenophora granulosa with
shark tooth attached!
73.3 mm, F+++/Great attachments!
Balicasag Island. Taken w. tangle net 200 m. SOLD!
Xenophora floridana (Mansfield, 1930)
Fossil (Late Pliocene)
40.5 mm, Big size, great form!
Kissimmee River. SOLD!
Onustus indicus with barnacles
86 mm, F++/Great attachment!
Masbate Island. SOLD!
Xenophora granulosa with
piece of glass attached!
85.5 mm, F+++/G Superb condition & great attachments!
Bohol Island. SOLD!
Xenophora pallidula wih
a capsule from a Coca Cola bottle attached!
97 mm, F++/Superb & Rare attachments!
Balicasag Island. SOLD!
Xenophora pallidula with
piece of white glass attached!
114 mm, F+/Many nice attachments include another South
African Xenophora!
Off Durban, SA. Trawled at 120-150 m. Oct. 1988. SOLD!
Xenophora pallidula with
glass and shark tooth attached!
109 mm, W-O. Bohol Island. SOLD!
Xenophora conchyliophora (variation)
38 mm, Great attachments & locality!
Puerto Rico. SOLD!
Xenophora pallidula -with Columbarium
corollaceoum attached-
88 mm, F+++/Super RARE attachments!
East China Sea. Trawled at 350 m.
Xenophora corrugata
79.6 mm, F++/Large. Very colorful with great Conus &
Bursa attached.
Off South Mozambique. Trawled at 150-350 m. depth. Coll.
2007. SOLD!
Xenophora conchyliophora (variation)
25 mm, Great attachments & locality!
Prt Canaveral, FLA. SOLD!
Stellaria gigantea with
piece of white glass attached!
106 mm, F++/Big & nice attachments. W/O
Natal, RSA. Trawled at 400 m.
Xenophora cerea
37 mm, F+++/Superb! Great attachments!
Tinina, Balut Island. By tangle net at 100-200 m deep.
Xenophora japonica
79 mm, F+++/Great attachments!
Oslob, Cebu Island.
Onustus caribaeus
71 mm, F++/F+++/ Awesome! Very nice color and quality.
South Florida. SOLD!
Xenophora neozelandica neozelandica
91.5 x 86 mm (with attachments), F++/Giant! Great form
& locality!
Little Barrier Island, New Zealand. Dredged. SOLD!
Stellaria solaris
107 mm, F++/BIG Great color & form! W/O
Morombe, Madagascar. SOLD!
Xenophora neozelanica kermadecensis cf.
85 mm (with attachments), F++/RARE! W/O
Dredged of the Norfolk Island, 45 m. July, 2001. SOLD!
Xenophora granulosa
87 mm, F+++/Great form & attachments! W/O
Balicasag Island, Bohol. Taken by a tangle net 150m dept.SOLD!
Stellaria testigera digitata
78 mm, F++/Big Great form! W/O
Mauritania. 300 m deep. From local fishermen. SOLD!
Xenophora Austrophora flindersi
61 mm, Superb & Awesome! Lace
corals, Bryozoa Phidoloporidae attached! W/O
Esperance, West Australia. Dived. S
Xenophora caperata
82 mm, F++/ Awesome! Rare attacments include Distorsio,
Mitra and Conus! W/O
North Taiwan. Deep water. SOLD!
Stellaria chinensis
57 mm, F++/Great locailty & color! W/O
Wakayama Pref., Honshu. Japan. SOLD!
Onustus caribaeus Sp.
60 mm, RARE!
Dredged west of South Florida coast in Gulf of Mexico.SOLD!
Xenophora peroniana kondoi
26.5, F++/RARE! Great attachment!
Hawaii. SOLD!
Xenophora japonica
47 mm, F+++/G Superb & Great attachments!
Masbate Island. SOLD!
Xenophora crispa
57.5 mm, F++/Great attachments and locality.
Marocco, Alboran Sea.
16.00 € SOLD!
Xenophora senegalensis
35.2 mm, F++/F+++ Great attachments!
Ivory Coast. SOLD!
Xenophoro japonica
47 mm, F+++/G Superb!
Northern part of Zamboanga del Norte. Sindangan Island.
2006. SOLD!
Tugurium belvaceum (Synonym)
70.3 mm, F+++/Great locality! W/O
Uraga Strait, Japan. Gill nets in 50-60 m depth. March,
2004. SOLD!
Stellaria gigantea
99 mm, F++/Great attachments! Uncommon!
South China Sea. SOLD!
Phorus calculiferus (Synonim for Stellaria
75.5 mm, F++/interesting attachments & locality!
Taiwan. SOLD!
Xenophora corrugata
62 mm, F++/Large. Very colorful with nice attachments.
Off South Mozambique. Trawled at 150-350 m. depth. Coll.
2007. SOLD!
Xenophora cerea with Bursa Sp.
66.2 mm, F+++/G Amazing attachments!
Sogod, Cebu. SOLD!
Xenophora conchyliophora robusta
81 mm, Big, Great attachments & superb form! W/O
Ecuador. SOLD!
Xenophora pallidula
95.5 mm, F++/F+++ A piece of
beer glass & many other great attachments! W/O
Balicasag Island, Bohol.
Xenophora pallidula with Lima rathbuni attached.
135 x 129 mm, F+++/G Superb Giant with pieces of Lima
rathbuni. W/O
Bohol. Caubian Island. From local fishermen. SOLD!
Xenophora tenuis cf.
51 mm, Great attachments & Unusual Pattern!
East China Sea. Trawled in about 260 m deep. Gravel and
sand bottom. SOLD!
Onustus exutus
98 mm, F++/F+++ Large!
Olango Island. 100 m. Collected by local fishermen. SOLD!
Xenophora granulosa
90.2 mm, F++/F+++ Great attachments!
Balicasag Island. SOLD
Xenophora solariodes
47.5 x 36 mm, F+++/Superb form & attachments!
Xenophora japonica
59.53 mm, F+++/G Superb!
Masbate Island. SOLD!
Xenophora cerea
60.5 mm, F+++/G Superb!
Bohol Island. SOLD!
Stellaria lamberti
37.53 mm, Awesome.
New Caledonia, dredged at 305-315 m. deep, 1995. SOLD!
Stellaria testigera digitata
49 mm, Great W/O
Namibia. SOLD!
Xenophora tenuis
50 mm, F+++/Great & Awesome!
Superb colorful attachments! Japan. SOLD!
Stellaria solaris paucispinosa
48.3 mm, Great locality!
Melaka, Malaysia, Caught by fishermen, 20-30m deep Aug
Xenophora Austrophora flindersi
52.08 mm, Superb & Awesome! W/O
South-West Australia, Albany
Stellaria solaris paucispinosa
50.3 mm, Great locality! The best!
Melaka, Malaysia, Caught by fishermen, 20-30m deep Aug
Stellaria testigera PROFUNDA
44 mm, Unusual locality. REAL ONE
St. digidata)!
Aden Gulf
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Ex-coll. Regina Derieva
