The Ground Shone
Also in the Dream
touched your shoulder, saw – not your gaze but your eyes and their
grey yet towards blue, the veil that made me remember water
a very long time ago and the shimmering fish that cautiously re-
garded the shadow against birches and sky
in my childhood I followed creeks and trenches, with our heels we drew
winding systems of channels in the gravel. These memories hold no colours
but the water is clear blue, like the vase in the window, the one with
a few straws of red fescue and hairgrass. Memories tells me that my life
as it is now is connected to what it was a long time ago. Just as now,
in the daytime, the darkened air is criss-crossed by movements and long
past dawn the grass is still wet with dewdrops
the warmth lifts the dampness, each particle is transparent but assembled
a body of immeasurable weight lifted like a bundle of cloth, clothes hid
in the grass during the night. The trees are embraced, are in the burden,
remain there while it rises, they do not move but show more and more of
grandeur and names:
I talk about that which is in my heart, if there in its hollow are yards
and grounds, trees, moisture that rises: can I then also compare it to
something else, can I in the same movement hide and show, lift and let
I eat my breakfast, get dressed, take my bag and step outside. Wind
carries leaves back and forth along the street, clouds of yellow and red
swirl in the air, it is and is not a body
light seizes us without limits, I move past you, turn round, let you
pass me: if someone once experiences happiness he turns his gaze backward
without fear:
once when I was a boy, as I ran through the forest an afternoon in
spring someone called to me from a glade. The shoes flopped about from
the wetness over the path, nose running, the cold rested in ice pads and
dirty snowdrifts in the shade of firs and rocks, I was out of breath and
with rosy cheeks. I may have imagined, maybe the blood running through
the ear, maybe I was afraid of everything that was not me. “If I had stopped
and listened yet once more?“ I think much later. “If I had done as when
you called for me?“:
once again I say that I do not know you. Are you waiting in the fleeting
shadows under the trees
the pain lingers on, like a swarm of curses it has spread to all of
my body, in the fluids, in the thoughts. I clasp myself with one hand,
scooping cold water with the other: the coolness is a gale over ground,
it cleanses me:
as I work, by screens, with books, hammer or saw, running in stairs
to fulfil wishes, find texts, fragments of a greater knowledge: I am still
harboured in myself, dressed in all I do not know
dreamed about falling, dreamed I was dreaming, fell through dream after
dream. Steps outside, in spite of the sunshine the wind is cutting. I wrap
my jacket tight round me and saunter down towards the lake. The light is
bright. It blinds me, in the light I see only the light:
one who is by the water is telling his child about the fish, saying
that they are there and that if we could put our hand against the surface
as against the skin we would feel their movements like currents and trembles
against our fingertips and palm:
I let signs, paper change places with other, new washes over the old
every day. Children rush through the streets, flocks of birds drift in
the wind; you, your name – I find you and find you not, I stroke with my
hand touch the things gently
By each and
one I saw
your shadow