1 December 2017
We are very happy to announce
a new collaboration with
MERIDIAN - POLTAVA International
Literature Festival (Ukraine).
The festival will take place
in Poltava from 2018-06-08 to 2018-06-10.
7 October 2015
Återkomst - Return
Saturday November 7, 2015
14.00 - 15.30
Sunday November 8, 2015
13.30 - 15.00
It is almost five years since Ars interpres (both
the journal and the festival)
ceased its activities. However, two new titles
have been published recently,
and this coming November an extra event with several
Ars interpres authors
will take place at Stockholm's Kulturhuset Stadsteratern
(Biblioteket Plattan)
and S:ta Eugenia. This will be a sort of two
days mini-festival with a potential
for injecting new life into the whole Ars interpres
enterprise. Participants
will include Kjell Espmark, Mariela Griffor, Dipak
Mazumdar, Lars Palm and
Anna Alexandra Maria Brodsky.
Mariela Griffor, poet and publisher active in the
USA, and the Swedish-
Bengali poet Dipak Mazumdar will present their
books that were published
recently by Ars interpres. Kjell Espmark, a member
of the Swedish Academy,
will read several poems from his latest book published
in the US by Mariela
Griffor. Moreover, the Malmö poet, Lars Palm,
and the daughter of the late
Joseph Brodsky, Anna Sozzani-Brodsky, will discuss
certain political and
environmental issues, and will also read from their
work. The title of the
mini-festival and its significance as viewed by
the participants, will be
explored during the event.
Nov. 7 at 14.00 / Hosted by Bibliotek Plattan
Kulturhuset Sergels torg, 103 27 Stockholm, Sweden
A second reading, with Mariela Griffor and the chairman
of the Nobel
committee Per Wästberg, will take place the day
after at the main hall
of S:ta Eugenia catholic church.
Nov. 8 at 13.30 / Hosted by Katolskt Forum
Kungsträdgårdsgatan 12, 111 47
30 October, 2010
A Day of Poetry
Saturday October 30, 2010
10.30 - 13.30
Red Room (STRINDBERGRUMMET), Berns Salonger
Among the poets, who will read from their work are
Per Wästberg, Gunnar
Harding, Elisabeth Hjorth,
Persson, Petter Lindgren, and Regina
Similar events simultaneously will take place in cultural
cafés of Paris,
Athens and Nicosia, and together with one in Stockholm
will be connected by
satellite operator Hellas Sat.
16 May, 2010
Crossing Borders, Connecting Cultures
International Poetry Festival
Sunday May 16, 2010
14.00 – 17.00
The Mediterranean Museum
The event will be streamed live from the Mediterranean
Museum at: http://www.kvickstream.se/asx/mm01.asx

19 October, 2008
Ars Interpres announces the publication
of Ortsbestämning (Determination
of Place), which includes 18
poems from Tillbaka i tid (Back in Time),
selected poems spanning 1950-2004
by the Swedish poet Per Wästberg.
The book is a trilingual edition
with the original Swedish poems, an English
translation by Hildred Crill
and a Russian translation by Regina Derieva and
Alexei Prokopiev.
It is now available from the
publisher, Ars Interpres Publications
We are very pleased to announce
that our book will be launched on
Wednesday, November 5 at S:t
Eugenia's Catholic parish situated at
Kungsträdgården 12.

29 October, 2007
Radio Sweden 2007-10-29
to Bill Schiller's Report from the 3rd Ars Interpres Festival
6 August, 2007
The authors from Scandinavian
countries as well as very well known
writers from all over the world
participate in the Ars Interpres: International
Journal of Poetry, Translation,
and Art and participate in the series of
literary readings, and art exhibitions,
which will take place in Stockholm
from 2007-10-04 to 2007-10-06.
Among them are Toh Hsien Min, Tim
Liardet, Ulrikka Gernes, Lasse
Söderberg, Mario Susko, and Aris Fioretos.
Such participation level facilitates
the development of cultural relations
between the countries of Scandinavia
and the rest of the world.
25 May, 2007
"Svenska Dagbladet" and "Dagens
Nyheter" interviews LES MURRAY

Photo by Tomas Oneborg
20 May, 2007
Les Murray: Poetry Reading in Stockholm

Time: May 20, 2007, 19.15
Place: Stora salen, S:ta
Eugenia Katolska Församling,
Kungsträdgårdsgatan 12.
Les Murray, an internationally
acclaimed Australian poet, will read from
his new book, "The Biplane Houses,"
just released by Carcanet.
Les Murray is one of the greatest
contemporary poets writing in English.
His work has been published
in ten languages.
Les Murray has won many literary
awards, including the Grace Leven Prize
(1980 and 1990), the Petrarch
Prize (1995), and the prestigious TS Eliot
Award (1996). In 1999 he was
awarded the Queens Gold Medal for Poetry on
the recommendation of Ted Hughes
14 August, 2006
International poetry festival to take place
in Stockholm

The second Ars Interpres poetry festival will take
place in Stockholm from
5-9 October 2006. The festival brings together more
than twenty poets from
Sweden and nearly one dozen other countries for a
series of literary events at
several venues around the city. On the schedule is
the chance to hear the fluid
words of live poetry aboard the ship Constantia.
The poets, who will read from their work, give talks
and launch new bilingual
collections of poetry, include John Kinsella, Ewa
Lipska, Gunnar Harding,
Aleksandr Kushner and Giannina Braschi. In addition
to the readings on board,
events will be happening at Kulturhuset, Svensk Tenn,
Svensk Form, Polska
Institutet, Stockholm University and other places
in the city. All are free and
open to the public. Sponsors of this year’s festival
are the Swedish Academy,
the Swedish Institute, Ports of Stockholm, Kulturrådet
and Polska Institutet.
Ars Interpres Publications produces an annual journal
as well as bilingual
and trilingual books of poetry and organizes art exhibitions
in addition to
public readings. The first Ars Interpres festival
took place in October 2004.
It featured poets from around the world including
award-winning writers Les
Murray and Aris Fioretos.
According to editor Alexander Deriev, the principal
mission of the magazine
and poetry festival is to “offer the best of poetry
and translation in a very
special, high-quality format to its immense audience.”
Live readings by the
poets themselves, Deriev continues, “remain something
special. The spoken
word allows us to see the poet’s world from within,
and to experience the poet's
own sense of his or her work.”
The full schedule of events of the 2006 festival appears
below as well as on
the Ars Interpres website ( http://www.arsint.com/festival.html
), where short
biographies and photos of the participants are also
Contact: Alexander Deriev
Address: Tingvallavägen 7B 2TR, 19531 Märsta,
Telephone: +46-8-59113267
Email: deriev@arsint.com
URL: http://www.arsint.com
31 May
Jim Potts will launch his new
book CORFU BLUES at the Medelhavsmuseet
(The Museum of Mediterranean)
on Wednesday 31 May
Fri Entré! Förhandsbokning
tel 08-519 553 80, eller e-post: bokning@medelhavsmuseet.se
6 May
A review of ARS INTERPRES appeared in the NYArts
2006, Vol. 11, No.5/6
25 April
The 2nd Ars Interpres Reading
Series will take place in Stockholm at the
beginning of October 2006. Among
those reading from their works will be
Gunnar Harding, Fiona Sampson,
Per Wästberg, Zhang Er, Alan Shaw,
John Kinsella, Aleksandr Kushner,
Håkan Sandell, Giannina Braschi,
Tess O'Dwyer, Ilya Bernstein,
Tomas Venclova, and Ewa Lipska.
We are grateful to the Swedish
Academy for their past and continued support
of our events.
23 April
with participation of two Ars Interpres
contributors (Michael
Zansky and Arcady Kotler)
will take place at the
Duration: 29 april - 4 juni
4 December
Ars Interpres Publications and
Gallery Infra
PRESENTS the exhibition of American
Contemporary Art
Duration: 2006. 01. 21 -- 2006.
02. 04
details >>>>>>>>>>
1 November, 2005
Our new Summer/Autumn
2005 double issue is now available.
read the Editor’s Notes
New poems by Fiona Sampson,
John Kinsella, Gennady Aygi, Mark DeCarteret.
Plus Daniel Weissbort with a
collection of Hasidic Sayings, interviews
with Les Murray and Seamus Heaney,
new translations of Swedish, Russian,
Chinese, Argentinian, German,
Dutch and Polish poetry.
11 August, 2005
A review of ARS INTERPRES No. 3 appeared
in the Literary Magazine Review
Vol. 23, No.
1&2 Spring/Summer 2005
12 October, 2004
A series of literary readings entitled AT THE POINT
OF CROSSING will take
place on October 29th and 30th, 2004, in Stockholm.
Featuring the legendary
Australian poet Les Murray, Johann Hjalmarsson, Daniel
Weissbort, Gleb
Shulpyakov, Fred Johnston, Regina Derieva, Juris Kronbergs,
Gritsman, Aris Fioretos, Lars-Håkan Svensson,
Hildred Crill. Each poet will
read his or her poems in the original language. An
English translation will
follow each poem not written in English.
Friday, October 29th in the
Magasin 2, Frihamnen at 4.00 pm
Friday, October 29th in the
Kulturhuset (Läsesalongen, vån 2) at 7.00 pm
Saturday, October 30th in
the Nordiska Museet at 1.00 pm
The reading is open to the public, and there is no fee
for admission.
The event organized by the ARS INTERPRES PUBLICATIONS
the Ports of Stockholm Group.
9 February, 2004
A reading-presentation of the first issue of our journal
takes place at
Cornelia Street Cafe as part of the INTERCULTURAL
The Cornelia Street Cafe www.corneliastreetcafe.com
29 Cornelia Street
$6 gets you a free drink
Subway: A/C/E/F to West 4th or
1/9 to Christopher |
3 January, 2004
The first review of our journal has appeared in Svenska
20 December, 2003
Our Winter 2003 issue is now available!!!
This issue features poetry by Les Murray, Osip Mandelstam,
Eamon Grennan,
Jesper Svenbro, Salvatore Quasimodo, Nikolai Zabolotsky,
Annie Finch,
and others; essays by Daniel Weissbort, John Kinsella,
Valentina Polukhina,
Aris Fioretos, Craig Czury, and others; photography
and art by Petra
Creffield, Jurek Holzer, Sergey Kalmykov and others.