
No. 4 & 5


Tod Thilleman  


Gash, glow’s draw
hood’s tongue out-sticking thought
paroxysm punctured viscera’s
wall-breaking storm-cry
lightning’s rod’s sand’s meta-paint
viral code’s combination: pyramid.
spark’s seed shed, buried
buried, charred cold
elemental plane-flood first’s
never ever-dying knot black
tar-stanch mind-font gold sea’s
swish-dart dancing off-spring’s hunger.
 Your brush
taming wild errant mate
matters.  Flowering tundra’s
identity’s hallucinogen, floor’s ceiling’s
structure, world’s birth-hole
trick’s master, voice and fate
tomb-suck’s folding wave-strike
harbor’s hank of land stops.

Land and Time

Cones burst and bubbling
upon all that came before 
shitting hot surface-expanse memory now recalls 
matter releasing immense liquid rending thunderous rift
conveyed rock-dense boiling echo-crashing space
stopped to freeze charring edge’s heat memory cannot contain
sunk to cleaving heat’s descent diving scar’s sinking great gaps
great height flies up weeping ground-mist steaming rain
puckered ice searing cavernous air glistening
basins burgeoning radiate depth’s deepest center
and a breath over range-waste lifted to surface-mist
tail in the deep thickness hoary movement 
seeping tone echoic depth roaring cacophonous antiphony 
near-exploding beast’s punctured appendage 
rumbled embodiment of earth burst squealing storm-ridden 
kinetic electrical wisps of light mustering hollow head
catachthonic bellows of battered crackling carbuncle
stamping strode terror’s mastery 
over land’s seething causeway.


What stays 
breathless to catch
bright soul’s cleaving 
earthborn moment, massive
violent grace love’s taught
glare, bereft ascent
mirrored wave’s lathing arc-light
curves desire sought
deafening man I was to be
pattern all nature confirms.
 If essence’s
outside ourselves 
weeping epoch’s blind affliction 
what age awared eluded ever
then scope the sidereal advance of her
empty, inane, inviolate, and true.
 So the shallow earth 
in theater of rhetoric adamant to argue 
subject to specie’s gauntlet of mood
lesson learned by ghost of these 
hands, unreal, dangerous : murderer?



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with the authors.


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