
No. 7


Andrzej Okinczyc   


From an article on Andrzej Okinczyc by Anna Król

Okinczyc paints sheets of water and parting waves.  The painting is deformed.  We are only able to guess the seasons of year or the appearance of the environment; maybe yellowing trees grow by the bank or plants surround the pond.  It is difficult to say, for on the surface of the canvas we see only abstract, pulsating washes of yellow and green. Subsequent compositions present swirling, parting waves of water on the surface and in its mirrored span, the sky reflected.  We do not know whether we see a fragment of pond or a river that has run far and wide.  Neither do we know where the shore runs.

     Nor indeed do we know whether these circles on the water arose as a result of throwing a stone in or whether the artist has recorded a natural swirl of water.  What appear to be similar circles reveal a contrast of contents.  According to researchers of water symbols, throwing an object in causes a calm motion ‘carrying a beauty of symmetry’ the swirl, however, is associated with chaos, ecstasy and anxiety.  No less important it would seem, is recognising the nature of the expanse of water – whether it is a pond or lake, since the image of water is used as an analogy of time.  Thus for a master expert of this element such as Zde?ki Kalnicki, looking at the pond ‘time is seen as always the same, unchanged and unmotioned.  It represents a clip of existence that is at the same time eternity and shows death as always being present’.

     Water, one of the four elements, considered by some philosophers as the most important, since out of it in fact and thanks to it, all life is born and continues.  Its nature is always ambiguous, for it can mean equally life and death.  One of the most surprising qualities of water is its capacity to mirror the world.  In water – seemingly as in a mirror – the immediate world is reflected.  Seemingly, since water has its natural depth and distorts pictures of objects that are reflected.  The water surface mirroring the world is the mirror of life.  Water is also a sign of initiation into a new religious life as well as the unification of our physical selves with the unfinishedness of the universe -  a symbol of re-birth and spiritual cleansing.  For Virginia Wolf the rhythm of life is realised by means of such waves, and the wave ‘becomes a symbol of the individual I’…



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