
Audio Collection
This first collection of Ars Interpres recordings features
40 poems performed
live in Stockholm at the 2nd Ars Interpres Festival
by some of contemporary poetry’s most influential authors and their translators.
The CD will be released soon as a limited edition.
Listen online to sample poems at 
Tomas Venclova
Fiona Sampson
Giannina Braschi
Per Wästberg
Ilya Bernstein
Ewa Lipska
Gunnar Harding
Aleksandr Kushner
John Kinsella
Dariusz Pacak
Daniel Weissbort
Regina Derieva
Håkan Sandell
Leonard Schwartz
Elena Ushakova
Jim Potts
Radio Sweden 2007-10-29
to Bill Schiller's Report
the 3rd Ars Interpres Festival
The biennial Ars Interpres Poetry Festival brings poets
from around
the world to Stockholm, Sweden for a program of public
readings and talks that take place over the course
of several days in
autumn. The events celebrate the publication of Ars
Interpres, the
international journal of poetry in English translation
and English
language poetry, as well the launching of new books
in the bilingual,
trilingual and English language series of Ars Interpres
Audiences have the opportunity to hear poems read
in the poet’s
own voice.
Among the internationally acclaimed poets who have
in past Ars Interpres festivals are Aris Frioretos,
Les Murray,
Gunnar Harding, Aleksandr Kushner, Ewa Lipska, Tomas
Daniel Weissbort and Per Wästberg. The festival,
sponsored by the
Swedish Academy, the Swedish Institute, Ports of Stockholm,
Kulturrådet, Polska Institutet among other organizations
companies, was first held in 2004.
Alexander Deriev