Andrey Gritsman |
Andrey Gritsman is a native of Moscow, Russia, and immigrated to the
US in 1981. He is a poet, translator and essayist,
and the author of six books of poetry, including View from the Bridge,
in English and in Russian. His new collection of poems and essays
in English Long Fall has just been published by Spuyten Duyvil Press
in New York.
Gritsman’s poems and essays have appeared or are shortly forthcoming
in Richmond Review (London, UK), Ars Interpres (Stockholm-New
York), Poetry International, Manhattan Review, Poet Lore, Eclipse, Hawaii
Review, New Orleans Review, South Carolina Review, Borderlands: Texas Poetry
Review, Bayou, Confrontation, New Press, Poetry New York, Berkshire Review
and others and were anthologized in Modern Poetry in Translation
(UK), in Crossing Centuries (New Generation in Russian Poetry) and
in The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place,
CavanKerry Press.
Gritsman was nominated for the 2005 Pushcart Prize and for the PEN/Joyce
Osterweil Award for Poetry at the PEN/American Center. He runs the Intercultural
Poetry Series at the literary club Cornelia Street Café in New York
City and is the Editor and Publisher of the on-line international poetry
magazine Interpoezia: http://www.interpoezia.net