Richard Dove |
Richard Dove, b. 1954 in Bath (UK), read Modern Languages at Oxford
(D.Phil.) before lecturing in German and English at the Universities of
Exeter, Regensburg and Wales, and (since 1987) at FIM (Munich). He has
published poetry and translations of German poetry in a number of newspapers
and magazines, including Agenda (London), Akzente (Munich),
Review, Die Zeit (Hamburg), Grand Street (New York),
Review, Invisible City (San Francisco), Jahrbuch der Lyrik (Frankfurt),
Poetry in Translation (London),
neue deutsche literatur (Berlin),
Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich),
The New Yorker. Two volumes
of poetry: Farbfleck auf einem Mondrian-Bild, St. Ingbert: Edition Thaleia
(2002), and Aus einem früheren Leben. Gedichte Englisch / Deutsch,
München: Lyrikedition 2000 (2003). Dove has also edited unpublished
late poems by Friedrich Rückert (Athenäum 1988) as well as recent
poems by Michael Hamburger (Hanser 1997, 2004), and has translated selected
poems by Michael Krüger (Braziller 1994, 1998) and Ernst Meister (Carcanet
1996). He is currently working on a third book of poetry and on translations
of various modern German poets (including Reiner Kunze, Friederike Mayröcker,
Joachim Sartorius, Michael Speier, Ludwig Steinherr).