Tess O'Dwyer |
Tess O'Dwyer won the Columbia University Translation Center
Award for the English rendition of Giannina Braschi's collected poems
EMPIRE OF DREAMS, which inaugurated the Yale Library of Literature in Translation.
She also translated the 19th century social realist Chilean novel MARTIN
RIVAS by Alberto Blest Gana for Oxford University Press. She is an arts
management consultant in NYC where she has served leadership roles at the
Whitney Museum of American Art, Americas Society, and Lincoln Center for
the Performing Arts. She holds a Masters in literature from Rutgers
University, and sits on the board of the Cultural Agency Initiative of
the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. She is co-editor
with Doris Sommer of Harvard University of REVIEW: ART AND LITERATURE OF
THE AMERICAS, a Taylor & Francis publication, distributed by Routledge.
Her own short story, Ballerina of Chestnut Mountain, won first place
in the national short story competition of the Hackney Literary Awards.
She lives in New York City.