Valentina Polukhina |
Valentina Polukhina is Emeritus Professor at Keele University, England.
She specializes in Modern Russian Poetry and is the author of several major
studies of Brodsky: Joseph Brodsky: A Poet for Our Time (1989),
Brodsky Through the Eyes of his Contemporaries (1992; Brodskii
glazami sovremennikov, 1997) and The Dictionary of Brodsky’s Tropes
(based on Chast’ rechi, 1995). She is editor, with Lev Loseff, of Brodsky’s
Poetics and Aesthetics (1990) and Joseph Brodsky: The Art of a Poem
(1999), and with Aleksandr Stepanov and Igor Fomenko, of ‘Poetika Brodskogo’
(2003). She has also edited Brodsky’s Genres (1995), Brodsky
as a Critic (2000); Kak rabotaet stikhotvorenie Brodskogo (2002),
two collections of Brodsky’s interviews, Bol’shaya kniga intervyu
(2000) and Brodskii o Brodskom (2004). She has published over eighty
articles on Brodsky and other Russian poets and edited bilingual collections
of Olga Sedakova (1994), Dmitry Prigov (1995), Evgeny Rein (2001) and,
with Daniel Weissbort, a special issue of the journal MPT (2002), a revised
version of which is to be published as An Anthology of Russian Women
Poets (2005) in the UK and USA. At present she is working, with Tatiana
Patera, on a Dictionary of Brodsky’s Trope (based on the complete
collection of his poetry) and on a second volume Brodsky Through the
Eyes of his Contemporaries.